Is your team really a team? Many project managers know the advantage of a strong team culture: better coordination, higher morale, and increased project efficiency. So we try to promote it as much as we can. The problem is that many ideas are so overdoneteam building exercises especiallythat they become counterproductive.
So here are a few unique (or at least less overdone) ideas to help you promote a positive team culture.
Company Swag
Everybody likes free stuff, but thereâ²s more to this tip than just bribing people. If you want your team to see a larger purpose, you also need to remind them that theyâ²re part of a larger organization. Wearing a company-branded shirt can be a great way to show loyalty. And the more unique the swag, the better impression youâ²ll make.
Office Layout
An employeeâ²s location can have a huge impact on how they work. If your office has plenty of room for impromptu meetings or chats, youâ²ll be able to promote better communication between team members. The same goes for putting together team members who interact on a regular basis. Try changing your office layout and see how it works for you.
Upgrading the Décor
Is your office décor boring and subdued? That may be impacting employee morale. Apply some personality to your office environment to help liven things up and promote the right attitudes. Now, Iâ²m not saying you should put balloons and candy canes all over the placethis décor should be upbeat, but also fit your corporate personality. Allowing personal items on peopleâ²s desks (Iâ²m fond of action figures) is also a great way to let employees feel more at home in their work space.
Give Up the Spotlight
Yes, youâ²re leading the group, but that doesnâ²t mean youâ²re the only star. Recognize and reward excellence in your team, and people will be more motivated to go the extra mile. Eventually, youâ²ll be able to form a culture of excellence that will be seen in everything that you and your team does. That way, all of you will shine.
Trim the Grapevine
Rumors can be poison to a team trying to bond. You might not be able to stamp out rumors entirelythatâ²s just part of office politicsbut you can manage it. As the team leader, you need to have your ear to the ground and keep the most damaging rumors from taking root. And you also need to know how to fight fire with fire and plant some rumors yourself: positive ones that communicate the right message, or damage control to keep situations from escalating.
Do you have any more unique and effective tips? Share them with us in the comments section!