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Industry News Digest: March 4


Hi everyone,

welcome to another installment of Easy Projects’ Monday digest.

This week we’ve got 3 great project management news articles, and 2 interesting technology posts for you.

Hope you enjoy:

Project Management

Three Common Project Management Stereotypes and Why They Are Wrong

Our guest post at PM Hut illustrates 3 common, but incorrect, assumptions about project management.

How to Avoid Being a Leadership Shmuck

To be honest, a large portion of my love for this article rests on the fact Tony Adams used the word “shmuck” in his title. Besides that however, this is an interesting little story about how Tony learned the 4 key attributes to successful leadership from watching Jim, a fellow PM, who at first seemed to contribute nothing but charm to his company. Later on, Tony had an epiphany, realized Jim’s genius, and became a great leader in his own right.

9 Beliefs of Remarkably Successful People

Keeping with this week’s (unintentional) theme of how to be a successful project manager, here’s a post from that delineates an inspiring list of the 9 core beliefs of success people. My favorite would have to be the last:  The extra mile is a vast, unpopulated wasteland. Keep in mind, that truism may be even more true on Mondays.


Kids Code the Darndest Things: 10 Amazing Youth Innovators”

Mashable brings us bios of 10 children, all under the age of 16, who have designed and implemented their own apps and programs. For example, there’s 12 year old Thomas Suarez, who is famous for his iPhone game “Bustin Jieber” where you can smack  good old Biebs in the head Whac-A-Mole style as he scurries across the screen. Most inspiring is Steven Gonzalez Jr., who, after fighting Leukemia, developed a video game called Play Against Cancer, to help other cancer patients his age.

The Soccket Is An Electricity-Generating Soccer Ball For The Developing World

TechCrunch covers the story about the SOCCKET, a regular soccer ball that converts the kinetic energy from your kicks into electrical energy. Developed specifically for developing countries, 30 minutes kicking around the SOCCKET can power a lamp for 3 hours.


Hope you enjoyed this week’s stories. Check out last week’s top articles, and be sure to come back next Monday for next week’s news.

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