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What William and Kate Teach Us About Project Management


In case you haven′t heard, Prince William, and his wife, Duchess Kate, had a baby. The birth couldn’t have come at a better time. I mean, summer television is always a little dry–especially with Elisabeth off The View.

However, if you’re one of those people who doesn’t appreciate the royal′s current reign over our television sets, maybe you can at least take delight in some of the project management lessons found in The Great Kate Wait.

1. Every Project Manager Needs A Good Team

The rate of project success increases ten-fold if your team has good chemistry. If they don′t, work to build team chemistry. But, don’t force them to attend team building workshops. Instead, create an open-culture of communication, clearly define each team member′s role, and increase team morale through confident body language.

Whether it′s a saucy aunt, ninja nanny, and dynasty of powerful ancestors or some talented developers and meticulous QA analysts, a project manager is nothing without his or her team.

2. Never Rush Project Milestones

Since milestones are major project tasks that act as indicators dictating how far along a project is to completion, milestones are always on the forefront of a project manager′s mind.

But, sometimes project managers become so obsessed with checking off the next milestone that quality gets compromised. At the end of the day, a project completed well but a little late beats a shabby project thrown together on time.

Despite displeasing even the Queen of England herself, Kate made everyone wait past her due-date to give birth, and then waited even longer before naming her son. Good thing these milestones weren’t rushed, or Will and Kate might never have come up with the unique and charming name, George, for the future king.

3. Remember and Apply Lessons Learned

At the end of every project, it is important to conduct a project post-mortem to reflect on what went right and wrong to improve project processes for next time.

Princess Diana was a trail blazer in so many ways and did a lot for modernizing and humanizing the royal family: letting them go to McDonald′s, play with schoolmates, and attend to amusement parks. Royal experts predict that William and Kate will take many of leaves from Diana′s book when it comes to childcare, applying the lessons Diana taught years before.


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