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Project Management 101 & Tools

Project Management Made Easier: A Year in Review

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Happy New Year!

We hope your 2015 is off to a great start and you’re on your way to having an extremely productive year. As 2014 came to a close, we were extremely happy about a few things. Firstly, we have the best clients any company could ask for and secondly, we made some major improvements to the Easy Projects software to help our you accomplish great things in the easiest way possible!

 Microsoft AZURE Cloud Migration


To make sure that your Easy Projects account has the greatest amount of up-time, we made the big move to Microsoft AZURE Cloud in June of 2014. We wanted a solution hat was reliable. Azure has a 99.95% compute SLA which is pretty awesome. Not only that, we’re rolling with the big boys since 53% of Fortune 500 companies use AZURE. Pretty cool right? If that’s not enough, the solution pretty much has some of the best back-up and security options available to man-kind. We can now literally restore any of your data (up to the last second!) for 30 days. After six months of being with AZURE, we’re pretty sure this is where we want to be.


The Assignment Control Function

Looking at the Easy Projects product itself, we had a major breakthrough when it comes to delegating and distributing work to better manage projects. We discovered that it was unrealistic to split tasks evenly amongst team members as their task lists were unique to them. To fix the problem, we created Assignment Control. Now, you can allocate different estimated hours to each assignee sharing a task. This also helped to make Resourcing Loading much more accurate, resulting in a more successful you!


Assignment Control 2

Resource Loading Simulation Tool

One of the coolest things that came in at the end of the year was the long-awaited Resourcing Loading Simulation Tool, or what we like to call, the “what-if” tool. The RLS basically does what it says – it figures out who you can assign to what projects and when. There are two ways that you can check out what the deal with everybody is. First, you can search by their name if you know that they gotta be on your project. Second, you can search by particular skill sets.


Resource Loading Skills

We’re super excited for 2015 and are looking forward to not only growing Easy Projects, but to continue to deliver a flawless project management tool that makes it easy for you to do what you do best.


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