Dealing with changing requirements. Part 3.1
Suggestion #1: Keep project tasks separate from feature requests
Suggestion #2: Implement a change approval process and keep a change log
Suggestion #3: Use online communication and collaboration tools
Recognized PM specialists all agree that the following are the primary factors that could ruin your project:
- Lack of objective project status reports;
- Poor communication within a team;
- Internal resistance to the project management tools and methodologies;
- Changing requirements during development;
- Inadequate initial project planning.
In this article, we will review one of these obstacles changing requirements during the project lifecycle and explore how to prevent feature creep and better manage your project changes.
Experienced project managers will tell you that one of the most common reasons why projects fail is due to the failure of controlling project requirements. Development projects, such as software or marketing, are more prone to this problem compared to tangible projects such as construction or manufacturing of a specific product.
If changes are not managed properly from the start, you can expect your project to experience schedule slips, cost overruns, and as a result, decreased project quality. Let’s examine a few effective ways to fight feature creep and better control project changes through project management software.
Suggestion #1: Keep project tasks separate from feature requests
Project management software is an extremely effective way of managing and tracking your projects. When a project sponsor or stakeholder requests a new feature, it is important to treat it separately from your ongoing project activities.
Suggestion #2: Implement a change approval process and keep a change log
During the initial planning stages of a project, it is important to establish and implement a change approval process that will govern how change and feature requests are submitted and managed.
Suggestion #3: Use online communication and collaboration tools
The success of a project relies on effective communication. Online communication and collaboration tools are a great way of storing and organizing information in a centralized location.
You can prevent feature creep and better manage project changes by:
- Keeping project tasks and requests separate;
- Implementing a formal change approval process and a change log;
- Using online collaboration and communication tools.
By implementing these best project scope management practices and establishing clear stakeholder responsibilities, you are on your way to a successful project.
Objective project status reports. Part 3.3
Suggestion #1: Identify the required information
Suggestion #2: Go beyond the software
Suggestion #3: Make your reports accessible
Recognized PM specialists all agree that the following are the primary factors that could ruin your project:
- Lack of objective project status reports;
- Poor communication within a team;
- Internal resistance to the project management tools and methodologies;
- Changing requirements during development;
- Inadequate initial project planning.
In this article, we will review one of these obstacles lack of objective project status reports and explore how to promote internal communication and create effective status reports.
As a project manager, it is important to monitor the health of your projects and identify issues before they become significant. An effective project status report can help you do this by providing accurate and objective data.
Suggestion #1: Identify the required information
It is crucial for the project manager to determine what the project sponsors want to know about the progress of the project and to focus the status report on information that aids decision-making.
Suggestion #2: Go beyond the software
Don’t rely solely on project management software for project progress updates. Encourage daily updates and face-to-face discussions to gain better insights into the project’s progress.
Suggestion #3: Make your reports accessible
Use online collaboration tools to store and distribute status reports, allowing access to up-to-date information regardless of location. Saving all status reports in a centralized file repository is a best practice for easy future reference.
By implementing these tips in your project status reports, you’ll be able to provide objective and accurate data that will contribute to the success of your project.
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