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How to Stop Time (and as a result, be more productive)

We don’t often link directly to outside sources here on the Easy Projects blog, but we know that if there is one thing that our clients have in common, it is a shortage of time. Therefore, we thought our readers would appreciate a resource that might help them get more out of their waking hours. Lifehacker is an office favorite blog around here, as they usually have very actionable and insightful resources on getting more from your day. This post on “Stopping Time” is from earlier this month, and is written by Mike Vardy, a productivity blogger.

The gist of it is, we focus too much on deadlines dictated by dates and times, whereas an approach that breaks down our work by tasks might be more beneficial. We are certainly fans of task management at Easy Projects, but beyond the use of EP, there really is something to be said about freeing one’s self from being too focused on deadlines and succumbing to the stress of not having enough time.

If this topic seems interesting to you, feel free to read more on Lifehacker’s blog and sound off with your own tips in the comments section below!

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