Welcome to a new feature on the Easy Projects blog! In this industry news update, we′ll be assembling the five of last week′s top Internet′s industry news and project management articles for convenient, easy reading.
So without further ado:
ReadWriteWeb Technology Deathwatch: QR Codes – From ReadWriteWeb
ReadWriteWeb takes a grim, no-nonsense look at QR codes, the latest technological marketing fad, and predicts their eventual demise.
Warning: Your Computer May Already Have a Virus Before You Buy It – Technorati
An eye-opening look at pre-installed computer viruses and how they get there.
Project Management
Flying First Class – Other Side of Risk
Glenn Briskin explains why you should treat your PM team like first-class flyers–and why you shouldn’t.
5 Retail Lessons for Ecommerce Sites – Mashable
Check out these 5 valuable ecommerce lessons from Mashable.
How a San Antonio Startup is Revamping Tech Education – Fastcompany.com
Coworking space “Geekdom” takes Texas tech education by the horns!
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