Happy Monday everyone! I hope the weather is bright and sunny where you are, or may you at least not be in the midst of a snowpocalypse like us here in Toronto. Regardless, here’s a sampling of interesting business, productivity, marketing, and tech articles for this February day:
Mashable brings us an informative infogram comparing successful startups like Shopkick against failures like Myspace. Remember Myspace? It was definitely all the rage in 2010, but according to this article it is now only the 138th most popular site in the U.S. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
“5 Secrets To Using Your Time More Wisely”
Ok, I admit, I’m a sucker for any article featuring a numerated “how-to” list. But Business Insider contributor Eric Barker’s are always worth a read as he structures his life hacks around psychological research. A gem from this article suggests to do creative work when you’re tired, because fatigue actually increases creativity! Who knew?!
“6 Things That Will Make You More Productive”
Yes, another numerated list also written by the great Eric Barker. This one, on his personal blog, is stock full of encouragement like to befriend productive people to “manipulate your environment” and to get automatic because “decisions exhaust you”. Naturally each suggestion is backed by empirical evidence so you can feel happy knowing that you following his tip to take a nap is just you taking one step to optimize your productivity.
“Brand Marketers Totally Miss Social Media Influencers”
This fun article from Read Write Web is rife with diagrams displaying how we are all doing social media marketing wrong. Take a look for a gentle reminder as to why marketers can’t ignore Twitter or Facebook.
“Zora Ball, First Grader, Becomes Youngest Person To Develop Mobile Game App”
Thought it’d be nice to end this digest with an example of how useless us old folk are. 7 year old Zora Ball took a quick break from hopscotch and Dora the Explorer to develop a little mobile games app. No big deal right?
On that note, I’d like to wrap up today’s digest. Thanks for stopping by! Check out last week’s articles and be sure to come back next Monday for another weekly news recap.
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