Hey everyone,
hope you all had a fun and crazy St. Patrick′s day. Here′s a list of 5 business, project management, and tips and tricks news articles that are sure to be almost as exciting as your weekend shenanigans. Enjoy:
Project Management
This hilarious slideshow from the PM Partners helps anyone who has even been confused with the millions of project management acronyms out there. If you can′t keep PMP straight from PMI, or your mind GTG′s when you see PDU or PMO then check out this link ASAP.
PM Acronyms Minefield
Even though Easy Projects′ CEO is strangely missing, here is a list of the 25 CEOs most loved by their employees. Facebook′s Mark Zuckerberg makes the list, as does Starbucks′ Howard D. Shultz. See the full list at Business Insider.
CEOs Employees Like the Most
This article from Mashable announces the winner of the SXSW 6 second pitch contest. The startup Sharetapes had the best Vine video, and as a reward, Sharetapes gets to have a meeting with a partner at Lerer Ventures some-time this month.
Startup Pitch Vine at SXSW
Tips and Tricks
Our second article from Mashable this week is a must-read for all the job-seekers out there. This article depicts, in infograph form, the best ways to tackle all kinds of job interview situations: from those over the phone to with a really intimidating interviewer. Add it as part of your research before your next interview.
Interviewing Tips
This top ten list from Life Hacker shows 10 “janky” tricks to make your life easier. Wonder what to do with the mess of excess cables and wires you have hanging around getting all tangled? This article says to organize them with toilet paper rolls! For more useful tips you wouldn′t think of check out the link.
Top 10 Jankiest Life Hacks That Actually Work
That′s all we′ve got for you this week. If you want more cool links, check out last week′s digest and be sure to come back next week for more great news.
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